Success Story
Building new electric charging stations where they are actually required

As the automotive industry is executing the electric transformation, optimizing charging infrastructure is becoming even more important. To this end, DigiKoo used the Mercedes-Benz Data product "Energy Data" from April 2021 to December 2022. DigiKoo combined and visualized power grid data from Westnetz GmbH with anonymized Mercedes-Benz electric vehicle data. Based on these findings, DigiKoo quickly and easily derived recommendations for action on necessary investments in the power grid and the expansion of future charging infrastructure.

Predicting electricity demand will be crucial in the coming transformation. Hence, DigiKoo developed a digital platform called DigiPAD which visualizes insights gained from the data and can be used by other companies as well. Together with the data from Mercedes-Benz, DigiKoo is shaping the electric transformation in this way.

Über DigiKoo
Über DigiKoo

DigiKoo GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Westenergie AG, a German energy service and infrastructure provider based in Essen. DigiKoo’s mission is to support the ressource efficient energy transformation by developing a digital platform for power grid operators, city administrations and service providers. By combining different data layers, DigiKoo can map both current and future demand as well as the existing supply on a digital platform.

How did DigiKoo benefit from our Energy Data product?

With our data, DigiKoo is analyzing, among other things, the standing or charging times of vehicles. Together with information on energy usage and demand, one can determine current high or excess demand for electric vehicle charging points. At the same time, the additional data available enables improved localized forecasts on energy demand. Data protection is always a top priority for both DigiKoo and Mercedes-Benz Data, which is why the data is always anonymized and only transmitted from vehicles for which the vehicle owners have given their consent.


Identification of current and potential charging power requirements in the Mercedes-Benz customer fleet


Automated data access via pull API


Anonymized data to ensure the highest level of data protection

The aim of DigiKoo is – by means of an innovative tool – to achieve improved coordination of power grid expansion.

Lars Jendernalik
Head of Asset Management at Westnetz GmbH, responsible for the DigiKoo & Mercedes-Benz Connectivity Services cooperation

With this promising partnership, Mercedes-Benz Connectivity Services and DigiKoo are driving the electric transformation in mobility. We look forward to leveraging this innovation together with Germany's power grid operators for the targeted expansion of the charging infrastructure.

Martin Möller
Geschäftsführer DigiKoo GmbH


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